The Cat
A woman suddenly runs over a cat, that comes from nowhere, and finds unexpected comfort from a stranger.
The stories of HeroicStories.
A woman suddenly runs over a cat, that comes from nowhere, and finds unexpected comfort from a stranger.
A shaggy man at a lunch counter gives the biggest possible smile when handed a small lunch.
An unexpected rescue after she left her wallet at home and didn’t discover it until checking out in a busy grocery store.
Two strangers quietly step forward and help a “biker chick” with her fallen bike get back on the road again.
Without a thought for her own safety a woman stops and helps a drunk driver get home safely… safely for all.
All the coins in a pay phone tumble out onto the floor… turning into an opportunity for honesty.
A non-profit organization strives to give aid to diverse communities in emergencies.
A couple of sisters find the perfect solution for moving their mother into assisted care after a hospital stay.
A highway accident in an RV could have been disastrous except for a mysterious truck driver who saved the day and then quietly drove away.