More than a Meal

More than a Meal

By Katherine K Croley
Alabama, USA

On a beautiful, warm fall day in the middle of November, l980, in the sunny southern United States, my new husband and I were traveling northwest to Hot Springs, Arkansas. After a lovely marriage ceremony surrounded by family and friends, we were on our honeymoon. It was a magnificent autumn afternoon and a beautiful drive.

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He Never Told a Soul

He Never Told a Soul

by Dan Champion
Michigan, USA

While growing up in grade school, I was always a bit behind the rest of the class. I was the typical nerd. I was picked last for any team at recess. The harder I tried to fit in, the more I stood out as being different. It didn’t help that I was a bed wetter, and my mom’s idea of breaking me of it was to refuse to allow me to shower before school. All the kids knew I wet the bed and I didn’t know how to stop.

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Bowled Over by Kindness

by Mia Shinbrot
British Columbia, Canada

My old desk chair slanted forward and to the left from many, many years of use by the summer of 2004. I’d been badly in need of a new desk chair for some time and looking for one I could afford. I don’t have much money, so that limits what I can buy.

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Mad Mark’s Advice

Mad Mark's Advice

by Bill Roberson

As a child growing up in scenic Portland, Oregon, my most favorite activity was bicycle riding. My friends and I looked with great envy on people with motorcycles, who rode without pedaling! And motorcycles were the ultimate expression of cool.

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Committed to Honesty

by Rosemary Place
New York, USA

A few years ago, my family and I were driving home from our vacation in Florida to our home in upstate New York. At about 9 p.m. after driving all day, we stopped at a Wendy’s restaurant in South Carolina.  We were already exhausted from driving, but still had a long way to go before we reached the hotel in Virginia where we had reservations for the night.

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If You Need Anything

If You Need Anything

by James Schrader
New York, USA

In 1974 my college roommates, Steve, Craig, and I drove to Yonkers from upstate New York to take Steve home for spring break. Returning, Craig and I took toll-free roads to conserve funds.

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Spirit of the West

By Shawnee Cavnar-Brown
California, USA

The summer of 2000 found me in Wyoming to see the Oregon Trail, married but traveling solo. I had two weeks worth of food and camping supplies aboard my truck, driving very slowly along the ruts in the vast and barren areas of central Wyoming.

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Angels in Our Midst

by Laura Beers
Mountaintop, Pennsylvania, USA

In 1983 I was a high school student in Queens, New York. I was also a model and traveled to Manhattan occasionally. I almost always traveled alone.

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The Unstoppable Hero

The Unstoppable Hero

by Brent Clevenger
Navan, County Meath, Ireland

My father is a truck driver, and has been for over 30 years. He works12+ hour days, and weekends, hauling scrap metals, toxic industrial residues and other dangerous materials. Someone has to move these things, I am glad it’s someone as reliable as my Dad.

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A Stitch in Time

A stitch in time

by Laura Raymond
Palm Springs, California, USA

Recently, a friend, knowing I edit a newsletter, came to ask for help with a project her son is doing for his Eagle Scout badge. She wanted to put a notice in the paper asking for donations of toys, games and books for her son, John Scott. His plan was to give them to the children in our local shelter for victims of domestic violence and abuse. He also wanted scraps and pieces of fabric, because he wanted to make at least 25 child-sized quilts for these children so they would have something warm and soft.

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