Saved by Nestor Ventura
A supervisor makes a huge difference in a man’s life by noticing his talents.
The stories of HeroicStories.
A supervisor makes a huge difference in a man’s life by noticing his talents.
Stuck in a motel on Valentine’s Day a woman make some friends, and learns that hiding in your room isn’t the way to meet people.
A girl’s first love is unrequited, and she is helped by a kind teacher and many poets.
A young girl get stuck in a bus station and ends up being treated to dinner by a homeless man.
Being nice to the agent during an audit is a really good idea, but it gets even better with the help of Miss Piggy.
She never met her father, but tells the story of how he saved the life of a young boy with polio.
A cranky mother-in-law turns out to be full of empathy in the face of breast cancer.
A prisoner shows how people have the ability to change dramatically.