I Want to Come Home
A young woman is given the help she needs to navigate through the New York transit system on her way home – by a complete stranger who buys the ticket.
The stories of HeroicStories.
A young woman is given the help she needs to navigate through the New York transit system on her way home – by a complete stranger who buys the ticket.
A young Vietnam Vet is given a car through the managers of a homeless shelter, so that she can go on, successfully, with her life.
A young man learns the real meaning of service while standing in the rain for the opening of a large movie complex in Northern California.
A young single mother gets help to go see her dying father and remembers the kindness forever.
A sudden gift allows a Filipino teacher to apply for a visa so she can teach overseas.
A compelling story of a soldier lost in Vietnam shows how small acts can make a difference.
A diabetic pours her story out to an online group and ends up getting the help she needs.
The friendship of an airline pilot opens up dreams for an ill boy, and gives him wings.