Paying it forward….

I found it fascinating that a couple of our stories these last few weeks have reminded us of both “paying it forward”, as well as the power of Random Acts of Kindness (or RAKs as some of my friends call ’em). They have a surprising and wonderfully positive effect, not only on the recipient, but on the instigator as well.

Have you “instigated” lately? 🙂

I was fortunate enough to experience my own “heroic” story which I expect to write up in the coming weeks. (It’s been a busy summer.) One of those true, out of the blue scenarios that really makes you feel better – not just about humanity, but in my case about teenagers as well. Stay tuned for that.

In the mean time, our well of accepted new stories is running pretty dry. If you have a story to tell perhaps you’d like to share it with HeroicStories readers? Check out the submission guidelines for more details on exactly what, how and where to submit. We’d love to hear from you.

As I think you know HeroicStories depends on word of mouth (or word of “mouse”, as I believe Joyce used to say) to stay alive. Be sure to share the stories you enjoy, leave a comment on the stories that make you think, and let your friends know about us. Every word – or click – helps.

On to the stories of the past few weeks…


A Debt to the Future

There are unlimited opportunities in each person’s life to “pay it forward” to future generations.

JSB says: I remember this from when first it ran. I have used this as an example for a few younger people when trying to help.

Cheryl adds: What a wonderful story! Thank you.

Their Two Simple Gestures

A small gesture of thanks makes a breakfast taste great and dissolves a day of problems.

Rene Castle comments: I really like this one! It is simple and demonstrates the power of acts of kindness to ripple all around you.

Ron Davis says: In Canada, in Tim Hortons drive-through lines, people fairly often pay for the following order for no particular reason. Since I had some financial success/luck ~10 years ago, I do it every time. The reason is hard to define, but it makes both parties feel good.

Mother to Mother

The gift of an umbrella comes just in time during a torrential Florida rainstorm.

Loretta says: At 71, I am a big believer in passing the everyday occurrences that make us and others appreciate this life and the next. My mom lived by example, as did her mom. Our daughter is a good and generous person @ 52, so her father and I must have instilled in her how important it is to help others whenever possible.
Thanx for a beautiful story, LoreC

Suzan tells us: My niece buys umbrellas at garage sales and keeps them in her trunk to distribute to needy wet folks when the occasion arises!

A Caring Touch

A caring touch can make all the difference.

Fay Edwards says: A very touching story I can well imagine your feelings I always had to go alone myself this story will assist many a person going thru the same experience Susan was a valued employee I can tell and had a great on you and your future life May there be many more Susan’s about

Wheels, Tires, and Wisdom

Buying a set of wheels that do not fit turns into positive life lessons for an 18 year old.

Jann Pflieger says: This was one of the best stories I have ever read. Being female and having to buy tires and take a car in for servicing, I know what it is like to be “talked down” to and treated poorly by men in that profession. The fact that the owner treated this young man as an adult was very impressive. What a wonderful business owner. What a great example he set for his customers.

The Peach Farmer

Free peaches are a small bonus from an encounter with a warm hearted farmer.

Eric Barkham comments: Been reading “Ask Leo” for almost ten years, and now “Heroic Stories” which you have taken on. Thank you Leo Notenboom for your contribution to the kindness and care of humanity and not the blindness of uncaring humanity. This world is filled with “good people” and you are showing the way.

Leo replies: Thank you! It’s my honor to do what I can.

Rick Euker says: That was a great story about help and appreciation between people. Many of us have helped those in need and connection is what this disconnected world really needs. It may be the only way out for many of us.


I hope you’re enjoying your summer. Until next time…


Leo A. Notenboom
Co-Conspirator to Make the World a Better Place