Already My Hero
A young boy learns about cord blood donation from a TV story and helps his mother save two lives.
The stories of HeroicStories.
A young boy learns about cord blood donation from a TV story and helps his mother save two lives.
A stranger stops and holds a heavy fence out of that way after an accident until paramedics can arrive on the scene.
While traveling a family is saved by a local doctor after her son catches his foot in an escalator.
After a horrific fire in their home a young couple finds comfort, love and help in their community.
Remembering Uncle Johnny, a great educator and family member whose help has touched many.
On a narrow mountain road a woman gets a flat tire and is saved by two kind strangers.
Gifts of vacation time from her husband’s workplace helps a couple get through until the disability payments come.
A surprising phone call in the middle of the night turns out to be a motel manager working to help her grandfather.
A good friend brings groceries to a couple waiting for their insurance check to come in… restoring faith in humanity.
A couple fosters over a hundred children through their home and are rewarded by a thoughtful and caring foster son.