Another Month of Stories

Another month flies by…

Once again a mix of old and new stories. I hope you’re enjoying (and sharing!) them.

Thanks again for the feedback on the podcasts. As is so often the case the opinions run all over the board: yes, no, not the way they’re done now, think they’re wonderful, never ever listen … you get the idea. Probably as many different opinions as there are responses.

And that’s fine. For the record, the podcasts will continue as is. Naturally that can change in the future, but for now it’s full steam ahead!

Last month I mentioned my dilemma with respect to comments. After a few more negative comments arrived, I gave in and added the following comment policy:

Note: HeroicStories aims to be a place of positive energy in what sometimes feels like an increasingly negative world. Our goal is to highlight good things done by good people that make the world a better place.

To that end your comments are not only welcome but encouraged. However, comments that simply find fault or otherwise complain about some aspect of a story will not be published. There’s simply no need to find fault here – there are plenty of places on the internet for those discussions if you really feel the need to go negative.

Instead, look for the good. It really is everywhere.

It really is.

And with that … on to this last month’s worth of stories.


A Long-Lasting Smile

One piece of popcorn can hold the utmost delight!

Kelly Boyd comments: Very well written, delightful story about an incredible talent. The only time I saw Emmet Kelly was a tv special in the 60’s, with a routine about the impossible meal. All kinds of bizarre things went wrong that frustrated his attempts to enjoy a marvelous dinner, especially when he tried to pour a drink that mysteriously missed the cup. It still fills me with wonder.

Cheryl adds: That story brought a smile to my face and an out-loud chuckle. It was masterfully told! Thanks for sharing.

She Saved Me

When friendship is forced on a young girl it literally transforms her life.

Terry says: Bless Rosie! I was in the same position in school that you were, but I never had a friend like her. I did not make any real friends until long after I was out in the world. It was not the same. I did not have that formative help when I was young, like you did. It has affected my entire adult life. To this day, I find it difficult to become close to anyone. Count your blessings, Pris.

Cathy Gill comments: What a terrific friend!!! That is just so amazing that she moved to that place and that school and managed to meet with a group of gals that took her under their wings and helped her to become the person she is today. Today’s kids are so busy with their Iphones and I pads and so many other divices that they have forgotten how to interact with each other and to notice things and the people around them. In today’s mobile society, there are many kids that move around a lot due to their parent’s jobs and they don’t get to call any place home. To find that group was truly God’s blessings for her.

Rhonda Lea Kirk Fries tells us: I googled Pris. She has had a tough row to hoe in the last few years (a broken arm that led to innumerable hospitalizations), but she seems to have many friends, a ton of support and an undefeatable attitude. And she and Rose Terry are, these many years later, still friends.


The power of being “one of us” is demonstrated by a five year old girl in Japan.

Butch/Texas asks: Hey good story but what does “Halou.” mean. Hello?

Roger responds: Yes, it is how “hello” sounds when spoken by a Japanese person.

Nahla says: Awwwwww! Isn’t she lovely and adorable? And this is why babies are angels… We can learn a thing or two with kids sometimes!

Still Looking for Ramona

Sometimes all you need is to be told how beautiful you are.

Cathy comments: I hope that through this site Ramona, Bill, and Lisa can make the long- awaited connection. It would be wonderful if this site allowed Bill to know what an impact he made on Lisa’s life and for Lisa to know her thanks had been heard. I share this site with all kinds if people as I know many others do. I keep hoping that by so doing we’ll all get more updates.

Faith says: When I was a kid, my best friend had a harelip that was repaired via several surgeries. Unfortunately, her parents divorced, and her father, who had been paying for the surgeries, stopped paying, so the last couple of cosmetic surgeries that were scheduled to happen didn’t happen. She and I were teenagers when she finally got to have one more surgery to try to smooth the lip and build up/straighten the nose. I very clearly remember her asking me after the surgery if it looked very different, and how embarrassed I was that I couldn’t tell — it had been so many years since I had really noticed her scars that I really couldn’t say one way or another whether the surgery had improved things a lot. She was just such a beautiful person on the inside that the outside flaws didn’t matter.

Cheryl adds: Beautiful story – and a great reminder of how a comment that is simple to one person may totally impact another. Thanks for sharing. I, too, hope that she find Ramona.

The Ethical Loophole

Sometimes if you look closely at a bad situation you can find a loophole to do the right thing.

Don Baker says: This is my favorite story so far. The father was a good man.

Allen says: Well giving free tickets to a racial class is discrimination. Your father discriminated.

Leo replies: Was it discrimination? Absolutely. Was it wrong? In my opinion, absolutely not. It happened at a time where this kind of discrimination was how one man could make a difference, and how one man could be a quiet, yet effective, force for change. It took courage.

Kaye adds: Yes–between right and wrong. But discrimination does not necessarily imply that one choice is superior to the other. It can simply be that one choice is more sensible than the other–which was eventually borne out.

The Amazing Doctor

When a baby is born with multiple problems one amazing doctor helps the family through recovery.

Fay Edwards says: a wonderful outcome for all concerned yes we have doctors who care and love us here was one such man I had tears as I read this story god bless each one

Phil Bolsta comments: Thank God for people like Dr. Sushant. What a gift and a blessing he was to this family. May we all be comforted by such empathetic, compassionate and serviceful people in our hour of need.

Annette N adds: This is a reminder that there are good people everywhere. We would not know that from the media, but the good people are out there. And having a good man as a doctor – I know there must be many of them who want to help their patients. Thank you for this story.

Boating Home at Sunset

A community steps forward in a small emergency and gives a life lesson in how to care for others.

Butch/Texas says: Hey The glitch in this one caused me to listen to the podcast for first time. Glad I did and I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. Take care and thanks for doing all you do to send these to us for Free. From reading some of the comments I don’t think everyone gets the free part much less all the behind the scenes work you do to bring them. I am also guessing it’s not free for you to do this either. I for one appreciate what you are doing and a big old THANK YOU from me.

Dr. Bhamjee

Diphtheria as a child inspires this boy to become a doctor in South Africa.

Kaye comments: Some people would want to get away from those conditions that they suffered in their childhood, and at best, give money to that public ‘coloured’ hospital. But this young man made a direct contribution by going there as a doctor and teacher, and making it better. He is a hero!

betty frank says: What goes around comes around. How wonderful that the good Dr.B. influenced this youngster, and he in turn is now helping people. Thank God for people like both of them.

Annette N adds: This appears to be a prime example of a human heart which is determined to make the world a better place. Thank you.


Making the world a better place? What a wonderful idea. 🙂

Till next time,

Leo A. Notenboom
Publisher,, and…
A Co-Conspirator to Make The World A Better Place