The ATM Machine
A stranger retrieves a forgotten credit card from an ATM machine and tracks down the owner to return it.
The stories of HeroicStories.
A stranger retrieves a forgotten credit card from an ATM machine and tracks down the owner to return it.
A woman sailer gets stuck in the airport with too many bags to check, and is helped by a fellow soldier.
A student develops a great attitude for math when a teacher makes it fun.
A young mother, dressed in outrageous punk, is helped in the checkout line by a stylish woman who treats her with care and consideration… and gets a big thanks in Heroic Stories.
A woman who had issues with people of Hispanic descent meets a needy family and learns compassion by helping.
A thoughtful card turns a terrible experience on the volleyball court into a life lesson.
He slips off the road in an ice storm and is quickly rescued by a kind stranger.
During the war an enemy soldier stopped to save his life, but just as important, was the encouragement from strangers after coming home.