A Single Dollar Bill

By Glen Burnie
Maryland, USA

Friday, October 5th, 2001, was not shaping up to be a good day. My wife and I were already running late leaving for a trip to Pennsylvania, and she still had to stop at work for an errand. To compound our lateness, security at her office had drastically increased since September 11th, 2001. The guards wanted to search our vehicle and unpack our luggage. That would take quite some time and I objected wholeheartedly. We avoided the search by letting her walk through the gate while I sat in the car outside the facility.

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One-Eyed Jack

by Cindy Robison
Taos, New Mexico, USA

When I first saw him, I was horrified. Nothing prepared me for the sight of his badly damaged eye. Martha had first told me about Rusty awhile back. He was a neighborhood dog that was allowed to roam free and he often came to her home for treats. When she saw that his eye had been damaged, she mentioned it to his owners. Their response was that they did not believe in veterinarians and they were going to just “let his eye dry up and fall out on its own.” Rusty was a beautiful dog. He stood with his tail wagging, eager for attention, while frantically pawing at his mutilated eye. I knew that if he didn’t receive some kind of medical attention he would probably die.

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Represent the Positive

HeroicStories Podcast

We all impact the world around us in various ways, and often in ways we might not even realize. My goal, and I hope yours, is to do so in some kind of positive way. Personally that means things ranging from helping people use technology, to hosting picnics with a hundred Corgis, and of course publishing … Read more

Because I Trust You

by Julie Conley
Grove City, Ohio, USA

My first job after college was working for a small apartment complex as a rental agent. I actually enjoyed a lot of the job, interacting with residents, solving problems, and meeting new people. The downside was working with the owner and manager. I became the resident flunky.

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Kindness within Traffic Peril

Geri Winters

After a recent business trip, I was returning home to Northern California. Since I live a four-hour drive from the San Francisco airport, I had left my car at the airport parking garage for the return trip.

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A Long, Heroic Summer

I hope summer is treating you well! When I first encountered HeroicStories, well over a decade ago now (yikes! More like a decade and a half!), it spoke to me right away. There’s no shortage of “bad” news to be had – heck, that’s what it means to be news, after all; something out of … Read more

Talk With Bob and Be Honest

By Kevin S.
Texas, USA

After 25 years of varied drug abuses, I was using between $200 to $1000 worth of crack cocaine daily. I had lost my friends, my marriage, 20 years of savings, most of my possessions and the will to live without crack. Thoughts of suicide were constant.

No one knew that I was using drugs besides my dealers and me. I thought it was funny to answer honestly when asked “How’s it going?” I’d say, “I’m trying to keep my crack habit down to $200 per day.” I was amazed at the response: laughter. Since I never talked about using, no one knew.

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A Mission to Remember


Deb Donkers
Ontario, Canada

A new customer at the small-town pharmacy where I work said she was going on a mission to Ecuador. I had always yearned go on a mission myself, so I offered to join her. I didn’t know what would be involved, or what the people and culture would be like, so I researched the country before leaving.

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Dinner For Two


by Betty Frank
Ohio, USA

For the past 30 something years, my husband and myself, and our children when they were growing up, have had a “truck patch”. We’ve grown sweet corn, potatoes, red beets and assorted other vegetables each summer, and then sold them. This has helped us to pay for college, cars, or whatever was needed.

After the kids grew up, just my husband and I continued on with this task, since he is a true “farm boy” at heart. He just loves the soil and growing things.

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