Holiday Heroics

Is it Christmas time already?

Christmas time, or whatever holiday time you may celebrate, (even if it’s the holy holiday of “Friday” 🙂 ), is upon us already. Seems like just a few weeks ago we were celebrating the new year, then spring and summer flew by. All of a sudden it’s the shortest day of the year around here, and *poof* Christmas and New Years are upon us once again.

I hope that this year has been good to you. I hope that you’ve enjoyed HeroicStories, and that it’s spurred you to perhaps take slightly more positive actions slightly more frequently. Don’t kid yourself, those “slightly’s” can add up to massive change in our world. I’m looking forward to continuing to bring HeroicStories to you next year.

For all of us at HeroicStories I want to take this opportunity to thank you once again for being here, and to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all tbe best in the coming year.


Saved by Santa

Santa visits a home with small girls and leaves more than gifts.

Annette Naish says: Santa lives – and not just at Christmas. Thank you for this lovely story.

phyllis bala adds: Uh oh. Immediate tears. Thank you for the gift of this story! It struck a deep chord. So happy for this family.

Mysterious Ransel Appearances

Throughout the country backpacks started showing up for children who needed them.

Ernest Bywater says: It would be interesting to see if there’s a follow up on this story in the last 5 years, to know how far the ripple of giving has spread.

Leo replies: I always encourage story authors to return and post their updates. Unfortunately I no longer have contact information for most of the authors of the stories in our archives, but hopefully they’ll see this.

This is For Her

She looked poor herself, but she suddenly stepped up and paid a young mother’s power bill.

Annette says: Sometime we are the one who can help someone in need and sometime we are the one who is the person in need. Life is unexpected but being able to be generous is always a huge gift to the giver.

Babs comments: This seems to be the 2015 version of the Good Samaritan and the Widow’s Mite combined into one story. How wonderful to show love and mercy when you know that the person has no resources to repay the loan. Lots of spiritual lessons to be learned in this touching story. I would love to read more like this.

The Importance of an Affirmation

The power of praise – it can touch so many lives.

Cheryl says: What a great example this gentleman set. Affirmation and appreciation can make such a difference. I’m sure that there was high morale in that hospital and that the staff went out of their way to achieve even more. The CEO certainly has a high impact on the work environment, but everyone contributes. We can all do this.

Kellie adds: Positive feedback from a higher up is the most underrated morale booster. I had a boss who would always thank his employees after a hard day and tell them they did a good job. It was so wonderful to know that the misery you went through was appreciated. Now I have a job where my bosses never even speak to me much less notice whether I try hard or not. Morale there is awful and I hope to not have to stay long

Phyllis comments: Another testimonial of how just a few positive words can bring joy and increased confidence to another. So simple, yet of great importance. What a great CEO, and they aren’t all like that! But all of us have the ability to uplift those around us, from the check-out line to our friendly minister; and especially, I would add, to our families.

Basic Human Spirit in Action

Regardless of what you may read in the papers or see on the television news, the average person is willing to step up and help another in time of need.

Beryl McMillan says: I’ve never been there when this sort of thing happened, but many years ago I volunteered to train as a ‘first aider at work’ not because I wanted to help people particularly, but because I couldn’t stand the thought that one day I might be like this writer, watching helplessly when someone was in trouble – and that time maybe dying because there wasn’t be someone else nearby who did know what to do. All it takes is a few days initial training, a two-day requalifier once every few years (and an annual refresher day if possible) – such a small amount of outlay to ensure that if one day it does happen near me, no-one will die because I don’t know what to do.

Paul S. Enns adds: I actually had an encounter like this less than a month ago. A workout buddy and I were talking in the locker room when not five feet away someone collapsed in a bathroom stall. My buddy was closer so he checked on the guy. After getting no response, I rushed to inform the staff, which included first responder lifeguards. My story had a happier ending: while he went into a coma, he woke up from it and was responsive. The full extent of his condition is not yet known.

Not On My Watch

A scout leader teaches his troupe a valuable lesson.

Gretchen says: Wow – that’s an impressive story! Validating the girl’s reaction like that? Incredibly insightful. Major props to that Scout leader!

Jean adds: This was totally moving. That scout leader was a terrific person, and I can fully empathize with the woman.

Denise comments: Wow!! I boo-hoo’d when I read this story, it was so touching. I’ve been in that girl’s shoes before and I’m thankful for Heroic Stories reminding us about all of the wonderful people there are out there with just a few bad apples. It’s easy to forget that listening to the nightly news.

Dimes for a Stranger

Paying it forward has no guarantees, but is still worth doing.

Hope Pesner (the story author) says: Thank you for republishing my Mom’s story. She died in January of 2012, but I try to live up to the example she set to this day.

Betty Frank adds: Lovely story……..My mother was of that generation. The kinder, gentler generation. We need more of these kind of people today. God Bless her…. I dont think I could be half the person my mother was, despite trying. She always said :”if you can do something nice for someone, WHY in the world would you not?” Never used a curse or swear word, always said “There are plenty of beautiful words in the English language. You do not have to use the bad ones.” a life well lived………I know these wonderful MOMS of the past generation are in heaven……. And they did it all without: automatic washers, dryers, cell phones, computers, automatic shift in their OWN car, Air conditioning. and most lived and raised large families on ONE salary…………….Hurray for all you MOMS.

My Best Thanksgiving Plate

An immigrant learns about American hospitality in the best way… Thanksgiving dinner!

Jake Jacobson says: What a heart warming story! 🙂 Being non-ambulatory and in a wheelchair, I was resigned to a Hungry Man frozen TV dinner for my Thanksgiving meal. I belong to a Yahoo! Group of about 20 women scattered across the USA with one in Toronto. I have met a few of them in person, though mostly in cyber space. This wonderful group are all like family to me – so loving and supportive! Anyway, they all banded together and sent me a complete Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings, including the pumpkin pie! My Thanksgiving heroes!! I am truly thankful and very blessed!!!

Ron Davis adds: I am awe-struck by anyone who has the intelligence and courage to migrate to a country where she/he has to learn a new language, as well as leaving behind all his/her family, friends, other associates, and familiar customs and laws.


Again, a very happy holiday season to all….

Leo A. Notenboom
Co-Conspirator to Make the World a Better Place