The Housewarming
Unexpected kindness furnishes an apartment and inspires a life dedicated to passing it forward.
The stories of HeroicStories.
Unexpected kindness furnishes an apartment and inspires a life dedicated to passing it forward.
Choking happens so suddenly that only a truly prepared person can come to the rescue.
In the mountains of Lesotho, a poor school teacher changes the countryside … one tree at a time.
The mother of a classmate makes sure that even the poorest get something at the Christmas gift exchange.
Alone for Christmas, a deaf man receives a wonderful holiday message … with words he can’t even hear.
A local family aids another on the way to Alaska with an unexpected meal and hospitality.
After a domestic violence call the responding officers use a ladder truck to “break in” to the apartment of the victims while they were at the hospital … to make sure they can have Christmas.
This story of a mall Santa knowing exactly how to interact in a wonderfully affirming way with a developmentally disabled individual draw several comments.
Santa Claus makes an appearance … as a woman crossing racial boundaries to brighten a young girls Christmas, with a doll.