A Symbol of Humanity
An employee in a retail store learns that treating people with respect can be a trans-formative experience.
The stories of HeroicStories.
An employee in a retail store learns that treating people with respect can be a trans-formative experience.
An iconic sci-fi celebrity makes a difference in one man’s life … by caring and describing the future that he’d already seen.
A neighborhood comes together to help a family after a house fire and in doing so remind us all of the human spirit.
Fionnuala shows us that life is often measured not in years, but in the number of people you touch.
A man sells his only means of production – so that his new American sister-in-law can make ends meet and complete her school project.
A Taiwanese taxi driver, in fear after saving a suicidal girl, gets thoughtful advice from a young psychology student.
With headlights dimming in the snow a family travelling at night receives help from a local woman who knew just what they needed.